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How you can donate and help OUR Church

Ways you can donate to 

Our Savior's Lutheran Church 



Using our church offering envelopes provided to members  or those  envelopes located in the pews, donations can be made when you attend our Worship Services. 

Send a check or money order to:

Our Savior's Lutheran Church

P. O. Box 62

525 State 6 N. E.

Outing, MN 56662


Donations accepted for any of our on going projects at OSLC.




You may click the link below or scan the QR Code to be taken to our site for online giving. Thank You!

Make a Tax-Free Gift from your ira

See Your Generosity in Action

If you are age 72 or older, you can now make a tax-free gift from your individual retirement account (IRA).  This law no longer has an expiration date, so you are free to make annual gifts to qualified charitable organizations from your IRA this year and well into the future. 



  • You must be 72 or older at the time of your gift.

  • The Transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions. 

  • If you have not yet taken your required minimum distribution for the year, your IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement. 

  • You must transfer up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to a qualified charitable organization. 

For more info contact your tax accountant or financial advisor.

Volunteer Opportunities - 


Lawn Mowing

Altar Guild



Coffee Fellowship

Communion Server


Pleae contact our office if you are interested in helping out with the services - call

218-792-5346 or email


Thank you for Volunteering! 

Our Savior's Lutheran



P. O. Box 62

525 State 6 N. E.

Outing, MN 56662

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@2016 Our Savior's Lutheran Church.        Proudly created with

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